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Foundation TRAINING | 5-day intensive | Face-to-Face

PM1 Product Manager Boot Camp

Take off as a strategic PM with the PM1 Boot Camp. ‘The’ basic training to become a strategic product manager – for all newcomers and experienced product managers in the B2B and industry environment. In an inspiring camp atmosphere, intensive learning meets team spirit and exchange of experience. Together as product managers, we achieve top performance in productive cooperation in an atmosphere with a special spirit.


Take off as a strategic product manager in 5 days – ‘The original’

  • Solid basic training to become a strategic product manager in the industrial and B2B environment
  • For newcomers, experienced product managers without training, or as a refresher
  • Outcome-based training approach for direct work results and maximum practical transfer
  • Total of 5.0 attendance days in a row, plus several hours
  • E-learning for preparation and follow-up
  • Training manual as a printed ring binder in colour and digitally
  • Completed sample product business plan as a ring binder in colour, product business plan as a template in PPT format
  • Further comprehensive PM toolbox in XLS and PPT format
  • Detailed flipchart photo protocol of all illustrations as PDF
  • PM1 Essentials poster in A1 format in DE and EN
  • Certificate of attendance for PM1 Product Manager Boot Camp
  • Admission to the PM1 Professional certificate level
  • Lunch, refreshments during breaks and a camp networking dinner

Core topics: The PM as entrepreneur, PM roles, PM core function, PM processes, product life cycle management, product business plan, market structure analysis, market potential determination, customer benefit analysis, competition analysis, strategic options, marketing instruments, quantification of strategy, tools in product portfolio management, product launch, basics of lateral leadership

05 – 09 May 2025

Thomas Bauch

Claudia Bauch

Dublin, Ireland

Total price net

Training curriculum

In five intensive training days, you will learn everything you need to be successful in your role as a product manager: methods, tools, dialogue with peers and the right mindset.


During the onboarding phase, you will start the training with all other participants prepared and with a homogeneous basic knowledge and reference picture for effective product management. In addition, you will select relevant topics from practice for application in outcome-based training.

  • 5 e-learning modules for the poster of the same name Product Management Essentials and Product Business Plan
  • Selecting the product for the product business plan
  • Questionnaire to prepare for lateral leadership
  • Duration approx. 3-4h, online and self-paced

Day 1 Product management essentials

We start with a look at your role as a product manager or product marketing manager and familiarise you with the PM1 product management map with all the relevant PM processes.

  • The PM1 Manifesto: the PM as entrepreneur
  • PM core function, PM roles and tasks
  • PM competency model, PM process levels product, portfolio and corporate strategy
  • Product life cycle, market life cycle and technology life cycle

Day 2 Product business plan part 1 – Market analysis

Together, we will develop the framework for market analysis as a foundation for the product strategy, familiarise ourselves with the most important tools and methods and their links. You will immediately apply the methods to your own product.

  • Market structure analysis with segmentation
  • Market potential analysis
  • Market trend analysis and identification of influencing exogenous factors
  • Determination of Customer Pains & Gains and customer benefit expectations and purchase decision criteria
  • Influence of recommenders
  • Evaluation of current market access
  • Competition analysis
  • Summarising the market analysis in the SWOT

Day 3Product business plan part 2 – Product strategy

Together, we will embark on a strategic journey and learn how to manage the development, positioning and marketing of a product so that your product is successfully established on the market. Here too, you will apply the methods to your product immediately.

  • Determination of the product vision as well as company and product market goals
  • Methodology of strategic brainstorming based on basic strategies and derivation of strategic options
  • Selection of target segments and development of effective customer value propositions for product positioning
  • Marketing mix: product, service, price, distribution and communication strategy
  • Product roadmapping, action planning
  • Business case & ROI calculation

Day 4 Product portfolio management and product launch

Product Portfolio Management (PPM)
Since as a PM you often also have portfolio responsibility for several products, we teach you the essential keys to success for effective PPM and equip you with the most important tools.

  • Purpose and benefits of PPM
  • Core elements of the PPM process and keys to success
  • Top 5 tools and their application: Innovation funnel, 9-field matrix, competitive portfolio comparison, price-performance comparison, multifactorial ABC analysis
  • Basics of target portfolio definition
  • Basics of the phase-out process

Product Launch Strategy & Plan
You will learn what is important for a product launch and how to effectively control the elements to get your product on the road to success

  • The 10 success factors of the product launch
  • The market launch strategy
  • Product launch categories
  • Product launch plan, tools and checklists
  • Development and communication of roadmaps

Day 5Successful lateral management as a product manager

In this module, we show you the way to successful lateral leadership in a helicopter flight. You will learn strategies, tools and best practices that will enable you to navigate effectively across organisational boundaries, resolve conflicts, gain influence and bring about decisions. The core topics:

  • Understanding leadership based on the I-we system model
  • Sources of authority and how I can utilise them
  • Knowing and leading yourself and leading others
  • Stakeholder management with the commitment matrix
  • Recognising and resolving conflicts

The goal: Becoming an entrepreneur for the product as a Strategic Product Manager

The idea behind our boot camp for product managers stems from the fact that newcomers to product management often have to find their feet in their role and deliver results within a very short space of time. The first few days and weeks in the new job set the course for successful product management: Am I going to be a ‘jack of all trades’ or am I the ‘entrepreneur for the product’.

This is where the PM1 Product Manager Boot Camp comes in as an intensive and solid basic training programme to become a strategic product manager in the B2B environment. Five intensive training days in a row ensure that you familiarise yourself with all the essential building blocks of product management in the shortest possible time and get off to a flying start as a PM professional.

The target group: For newcomers and career changers as well as experienced product managers

The training was designed for all newcomers and career changers in product management in companies in the industrial and B2B environment. These are often engineers and technicians who were previously in development, sales or service and now want to prepare themselves for their role as a product manager.

At the same time, product managers who have been working in this position for several years and have not yet received systematic training, as well as experienced product managers who want to refresh and deepen their methodological knowledge, will benefit greatly from the training programme. Even business economists who have already dealt intensively with marketing during their studies regularly confirm the great benefits of our training programme tailored to product management.

Your benefit: The effective way to professionalism and effectiveness in product management


Self-confidence and orientation

You will internalise what it means to be an entrepreneur for the product, readjust your current position and learn to navigate confidently through the processes of product management.


Immediate application of learnt methods

You will learn and immediately apply important skills, methods and tools that will significantly increase your effectiveness as a product manager.


Outcome-based and immediate work results

Each participant works interactively directly on their own panoramic whiteboard, which brings together all the training content. You will also receive digital work results and templates.


Intensive learning success in a camp atmosphere

Our inspiring camp atmosphere creates space for intensive exchange with peers and thus promotes intensive learning success – and not least lasting connections with like-minded people.


Expert access and practical relevance

All trainers have themselves been product managers and heads of product management, and draw on in-depth experience and ongoing projects to establish and expand product management across various industries in the B2B environment.


PM1-Professional certification

Secure a demonstrable qualification with the PM1 certification programme. This training programme lays the foundation for the PM1 Professional certificate level.

Our training location: Dublin

Dublin, Ireland, is a vibrant and dynamic hub for innovation, making it an ideal location for Product Management training. As a major tech center in Europe, Dublin is home to leading global companies and a thriving start-up scene, offering an inspiring backdrop for learning and professional growth. With its rich history of innovation, forward-thinking business environment, and renowned tech community, Dublin provides a unique opportunity to connect with industry leaders and gain insights into the latest trends and practices in product management. The city’s friendly atmosphere and rich cultural heritage further enhance the training experience, making it not just educational but truly inspiring.

Location tbc, Dublin, Ireland

What we say

Very well-organized, structured course that explains the topic of product management in a practical and comprehensive manner. The content and the findings derived from it have already helped us enormously in our further development in product management after the first two modules.

K. Brinkmann, Head of Sales Headquarter, SMC Deutschland

What we say

The structured documents and digital tools from the PM1 bootcamp are very important for me in my day-to-day work. They definitely make a quick start possible.

Christian Göltl
Product Manager Controls & Digitalization
WEISS GmbH, Buchen (Odenwald)

What we say

The PM1 Boot Camp enabled me to systematise and institutionalise the processes of strategic product management from development to discontinuation.

Felix Schlüchtermann
Produktmanager, Stromag GmbH, Unna

Participants’ comments on the boot camp

Why there is no alternative to the product business plan…

The PM1 Training Programme

Our training programme provides you with all the essential building blocks for successful and effective product management.

PM1 Element Trainings

Get to know our 4-hour practical workshops with selected product management focus topics.

We advise you on your questions using our product management framework.

Product Manager Coaching

In addition to traditional training, we support you with your specific topics and tasks.