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Rhetoric & Presentation for Product Panagers

Imagine you are a gymnast on the mat. In addition to excellent physical condition, mastery of technical skills, expressiveness, self-confidence, focus and the ability to remain calm under stress are basic requirements for an outstanding performance.

It’s similar in the world of product management. Your ability to present ideas clearly and convincingly is the equivalent of a gymnast’s expressiveness – it influences how your message is received. In our Deep Dive Training ‘Rhetoric & Presentation’, we will work together on your expressiveness so that you as an entrepreneur for the product are not only heard, but also understood and can inspire and convince important decision-makers for your product projects.



Convince management and inspire sales

  • Rhetoric and presentation skills for product managers – How to get to the heart of your topics
  • Practical tips to train communicative persuasiveness and consciously strengthen your own impact
  • For product managers of all industries and seniority levels
  • Outcome-based training approach with your own topic and presentation
  • Open face-to-face training, 2.0 days in a row, plus preparatory e-learning prior to training
  • Comprehensive course material as a printed ring binder with all slides in colour
  • Extensive exercise and worksheets, also as digital templates
  • PM1 certificate of participation for ‘Rhetoric and presentation skills for PMs’
  • Module for PM1 certificate level ‘PM1-Master’
  • Daily lunch, snacks and drinks during breaks

Core topics: Basics of presentation technique, factors of presentation effectiveness, defining presentation goals, knowing your target groups and their needs, addressing target groups appropriately, consciously controlling the right ‘flight level’ in terms of information density, generating attention, speaking tempo, use of voice, the right amount of gestures, body language, dealing with stage fright, anchor technique, summarising and repeating key messages, designing convincing PowerPoint slides

Training content and procedure

This 2-day practical training course offers a balanced mix of methodological input, practical tips and direct implementation.


What can you expect during onboarding?

In our e-learnings you will learn the PM1 Essentials for a common basic understanding of effective product management and what it means to be an entrepreneur for the product.

You can complete the e-learnings conveniently in 1-2 hours on your own schedule from anywhere you have an internet connection.

Day 1 Presentation techniques

On the first day, we will focus on how you can present your ideas clearly and convincingly:

  • Basics of successful presentation techniques:
    Structuring content and storytelling
  • Learning to control the relevance of information
  • Conscious control of the target group-related ‘flight altitude’
  • Dealing with stage fright: stress management techniques and self-confidence training
  • Practical simulations based on your own presentation topic
  • Individual feedback and tips for further developing your presentation skills

Day 2 The art of rhetoric

On day 2, we will focus intensively on the art of rhetoric in order to deepen your skills in persuading and influencing your stakeholders.

  • The art of clear argumentation:
    Building convincing rhetorical structures
  • Using body language and voice to reinforce your message
  • Interactive discussions and practical exercises to further develop your rhetorical skills
  • Confident handling of spontaneous questions and objections: Techniques for a skilful response

The goal: Convince the management and inspire the sales team

From the initial product idea to the finished product, the product manager is the central point of contact and is constantly required to make convincing presentations. It often depends on his or her rhetorical skills and communicative powers of persuasion whether the product is received with enthusiasm or merely acknowledged.

The ability to present skilfully plays a key role that is often underestimated, but can be trained. Regardless of whether you are presenting a product idea, a decision paper or a new product, this training course will provide you with the necessary know-how and many tried-and-tested tips and tricks from practice to present confidently and confidently.

Based on our outcome-based training approach, you have the opportunity to work with or prepare your own topics and presentations so that you can already generate concrete results for your work and your company during the training. We call this Outcome based training. The ‘Rhetoric and presentation skills’ module is a building block for the PM1 Master’s certificate.

The target group: Product managers from all sectors

The training was designed for product managers who want to improve their rhetoric and presentation skills. It is aimed at all product managers, regardless of whether they are business economists, engineers or have any other training.

Your benefit: Appear confidently and present on board


Purposefully selected set of methods

You will receive comprehensive documentation and helpful practical tools that will continue to provide you with valuable services for your work as a product manager after the training.


Convince decision-makers with confidence

You will learn important skills, methods and tools and apply them immediately so that you can master presentations to decision-making bodies with confidence.


Practical simulations directly during training

You work immediately on your own topic and we reflect together in the group on your short presentations and develop effective alternatives.


Work out your own development plan directly

During the training, you will work out a concrete development plan on how you can improve your presentation skills step by step.


Expert access and exchange

Our trainer was or is a product manager, managing director and founder himself and draws on a wealth of practical experience in designing and delivering really good presentations.


PM1 Master certification module

Secure a demonstrable qualification with the PM1 certification programme. This training programme lays the foundation for the PM1 Master certificate level.

Our training location

Our face-to-face training courses take place in attractive surroundings in central locations in southern and central Germany and can be reached by car and train within 1-3 hours from the company conurbations. When selecting our hotels, we pay particular attention to a balanced price-performance ratio and an optimal learning environment with a feel-good factor. You will find the exact conference venue in the date selection. You will receive further information with your registration confirmation.

Vivo Scout Offices, Nürnberg

What we say

Very well-organized, structured course that explains the topic of product management in a practical and comprehensive manner. The content and the findings derived from it have already helped us enormously in our further development in product management after the first two modules.

K. Brinkmann, Head of Sales Headquarter, SMC Deutschland

What we say

The concentrated load of product management – a systematic and practical approach for the product managers of tomorrow.

L. Tändler, Produktmanager, Mehrer Compression


The PM1 Training Programme

Our training programme provides you with all the essential building blocks for successful and effective product management.

PM1 Element Trainings

Get to know our 4-hour practical workshops with selected product management focus topics.

We advise you on your questions using our product management framework.

Product Manager Coaching

In addition to traditional training, we support you with your specific topics and tasks.