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MASTERING TRAINING | 3 x 0.5 DAYS | online-live

The Successful Product Launch

Launching a product in the B2B environment requires a clear strategy, precise planning and effective implementation – just like surfing, it’s all about acting at the right moment and using your skills in a targeted manner in order to be able to surf the wave of success afterwards. Our online training offers you the knowledge and tools you need to realise a targeted and smooth launch for your products.



Launching products successfully and with foresight

  • Overview, introduction and application of the most important tools for a successful launch
  • For product managers and product marketing managers who want to optimise their market launch
  • Outcome-based training approach for direct work results and maximum practical transfer
  • 3x 0.5 days, 08:30-13:00 each day
  • E-learning for preparation, comprehensive documents and tools
  • Module for PM1 certificate programme ‘PM1-Master’
  • Open intensive training in interactive online format

Core topics: Product launch, market launch strategy, market launch plan, product launch classes, launch kick-off workshop, project management for the product launch, pre-at-post-launch phases, launch milestone plan, launch checklist, product launch team, key figures for launch controlling, waterfall vs. sprinkler strategy, multiplier strategy, pilot vs. reference customer development, the role of the lead product, crossing the chasm in the post-launch phase

04 – 06 Dec 2024

Ulrike Schwitzko

Claudia Bauch


Total price net

17 – 19 Sep 2025

Ulrike Schwitzko

Claudia Bauch


Total price net

Training content and procedure

The product manager continuing education programme ‘The successful product launch’ comprises 3 x 0.5 days of online-live training.


With the onboarding, you and all other participants will enter the training prepared and with a homogeneous basic knowledge and reference image for effective product management.

  • E-learning modules for all participants for the Product Management Essentials poster of the same name
  • Location of Product Launch in the PM Process Navigator
  • Duration approx. 1h, online and stand-alone

Session 1 Product launch strategy and process

You will learn how to develop a successful product launch strategy with decisive steps and proven processes and how to successfully bring your product to market.

  • Development of the market launch strategy
  • Product launch as a project
  • The project team and delegating tasks
  • Definition of product launch classes

Session 2 Planning a product launch

Learn how to plan a successful product launch by familiarising yourself with the basic steps of strategic planning and success factors,

  • Timing for the launch
  • Priority target groups
  • Internal and external communication strategy

Session 3 Implementation and performance measurement

On the third day, we dive into the practical realisation and implementation of a product launch. You will learn proven methods and practical steps for the effective realisation of your product launch and can apply these directly in the training.

  • Contents of the product launch package
  • Product launch roadmap
  • Involving internal stakeholders and multipliers
  • Measurement of product launch KPIs

The goal: Setting the course for product success and implementing the strategy

The product launch initiates the ‘downstream product management’, i.e. the product marketing process: Now the time has come and the developed product is launched on the market. Even the best product will not achieve the success it deserves if the product launch is not properly prepared, implemented and followed up. Especially with complex products, large sales organisations, multi-level and possibly different sales channels, the development and implementation of an effective market launch strategy is a critical success factor for the product, but often also a real challenge for the product manager. A good product launch creates many advantages:

  • Achievement of planned turnover, sales and earnings targets
  • Efficient use of marketing costs
  • Motivated sales team
  • Clear offer strategy in sales
  • Smooth transition to series production

The target group: For anyone who wants to professionalise their market launch skills

This training is suitable for anyone who wants to optimise and professionalise the market launch of products in the industrial and B2B environment. It addresses the following functions in equal measure:

  • Product Manager
  • Head of Product Management
  • Product Marketing Manager

In in-house training, it can be very useful to invite representatives from the sales and marketing departments to the workshop. Thanks to the different departmental perspectives, interfaces and processes can be defined during the training and questions from all stakeholders can be taken into account.

Your benefit: Deliver confidently and precisely at your next product launch


Structure and orientation

You will receive a structured overview of the product launch process and will be able to evaluate and develop your current market launch practice.


Direkte praktische Anwendung

Du lernst ausgewählte Methoden und Werkzeuge des Product Launches in der praktischen Anwendung kennen, verstehst ihren Einsatzbereich und wendest diese auf Deine eigene Produktsituation an.


Outcome-based and work results digital

You will develop your own product launch plan and receive all work results and ready-to-use templates in digital form.


Flexibility and cost efficiency

The training is easy to integrate into your own schedule and requires no travelling costs or time.


Expert access and practical relevance

All trainers were product managers and heads of product management themselves, and draw on in-depth experience and ongoing projects to establish and expand product management across various industries in the B2B environment


Module for the PM1-Master certificate level

Secure a demonstrable qualification with the PM1 certification programme. With this training programme, you will complete a module for the PM1 Master level. Learn more.

Our online training courses: interactive and productive

Our online training courses follow the outcome-based training approach. The structure and process are based on specific types of results that are developed in the respective training course. Each participant works interactively on their own panorama whiteboard, which brings together all the content.

This creates a clear overview and enables valuable work results. The results are put into a presentable form during the training, which can later be used for communication with stakeholders in the company. This results in high practical relevance and transfer. The workshop offers a balanced mix of method input and direct application.

How to make your product launch a success. The 10 secrets of success…

A successful product launch in the B2B sector is not a game of chance, but the result of a clear market launch strategy and its structured implementation. This requires a conscious and well thought-out approach to the entire process…

The PM1 Training Programme

Our training programme provides you with all the essential building blocks for successful and effective product management.

PM1 Element Trainings

Get to know our 4-hour practical workshops with selected product management focus topics.

We advise you on your questions using our product management framework.

Product Manager Coaching

In addition to traditional training, we support you with your specific topics and tasks.